RD September Letters 2021

Watering for carrots
Perhaps we can help Gary Saunders with his carrot problem (RD July-Aug, “Weeding for sanity,” page 28). We plant Veseys pelleted carrot seed, and always have good carrots. These are very easy to plant at the desired spacing. We always water them before covering, and they must be kept watered, as it takes moisture to crack the coating on the tiny seeds. Our small garden is only about 600 square feet, so weeding is not a problem. We also water it during hot, dry weather. It is doing very well this year, except for peas, where we got about half a cupful from a 20-foot row. 
We like your magazine. Good luck with the carrots.

Bill and Betty Brooks
Moncton, N.B. 

Forward-looking for 45 years
I was happy to hear your interview on CBC this morning. I am looking forward to your upcoming issue focused on housing. The activities of people being innovative around the important topics of water, sewer, environmental impacts, DIY building, Net Zero Carbon design, healthy community planning, affordability, and land ownership are all being played out in our province and around the world. I look forward to some great reading.

David Spencer
Middle Stewiacke, N.S. 

(Thanks for the note, David. We feel confident you will find some great reading in this issue. We try to keep an eye on the past, while maintaining a focus on the present and the future – in this case, examining how innovative approaches to land use and housing are key to rural and global sustainability. For those who missed it, the Aug. 5 CBC Information Morning interview with our managing editor, David Lindsay, about 45 years of Rural Delivery, can be found at www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-27/clip/15858889. MB)