Outstanding in the field Fall 2022
/Outstanding in the field
Atlantic Beef & Sheep joins the standing ovation for Dr. Yousef Papadopoulos of Truro, N.S., who received the 2022 Canadian Beef Industry Award for Outstanding Research and Innovation. The Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research scientist is known across North America for his contributions to forage development and ruminant livestock sustainability. Amy Higgins of the Maritime Beef Council says, “He has a unique ability to be plunked into the middle of a group of producers and be able to speak in a language that they understand, as well as having the equal ability to be plunked into a group of his research peers and can communicate in an eloquent manner.” (See page 18.)
Dr. Papadopoulos was also honoured at the Atlantic Forage Field Day. More than 110 livestock producers were on hand as he joined Dr. Kathleen Glover and John Duynisveld in showcasing their work at the AAFC Research Farm in Nappan, N.S., in July. On page 38, Dan Woolley reports on their research that includes no-till legume renovation and rescue, and optimal fertility for legume enhancement and sustainability.
Forage has grown extremely well in the region this year, but both New Brunswick red meat specialist Duncan Fraser (page 21) and P.E.I. beef development officer Les Halliday (page 36) warn farmers not to leave a standing crop in the field over the winter because it can smother new growth and harbour snow mould organisms.
John and Carol MacLeod have some advice for our readers about marketing lambs successfully. The veteran sheep producers, in Valleyfield, P.E.I., tell Emily Leeson, on page 27, they aren’t afraid to try out new technology. They say a lot of valuable information originated from their partnership with the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC).
The AVC is one of the sources Matt Jones tapped about the shortage of large animal vets in the region. His article, on page 16, covers the increased demand, changing demographics, and possible solutions to the problem.
Model Farm Angus hasn’t needed a vet for quite a while, according to Bob Higgins. He explains how his operation in Quispamsis, N.B., began and evolved over four decades (page 24).
And a relatively new producer, James Worth of Cornwall, P.E.I., was named the Canadian Angus Foundation’s Outstanding Young Angus Breeder of the Year. The award was presented at the Canadian Angus Association’s national convention in Moncton, N.B., in June. (Breed Notes, page 42)
You’ll also find coverage of the EastGen Atlantic 4-H Showcase on page 35, the results from the Canadian Junior Hereford Association’s Bonanza and P.E.I.’s Old Home Week on page 20, as well as much, much more in this issue of Atlantic Beef and Sheep.