2018 is around the corner Winter 2017

    2018 is waiting in the wings for its cue. 
    But it should not expect a standing ovation.
    Livestock farmers won’t be cheering when Health Canada implements additional regulations and restrictions on access to veterinary drugs, a move that is sure to increase production costs.
    Some medications are essential. Gwyneth Jones tells you why sheep breeders are relieved that Glanvac 6 vaccine has been approved. She explains that it aids in preventing caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) as well as clostridial diseases that affect production (page 27). She says CLA is one of the chronic diseases; it is hard to eliminate from a flock once it is established, and hard to treat.
    Jones also reports on the never-ending battle against Barber pole worm (page 26), trials using closantel (FlukiverTM), and why it is essential that shepherds not treat their entire flock for worms, just those that need it.
    Health Canada’s draft pamphlet that discourages the consumption of animal protein has been challenged by the Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF). But it’s just one of the impediments facing the industry, CSF executive-director Corlena Patterson warns Nova Scotia producers (page 22). 
    Another is that the demand for lamb still surpasses the national supply. CSF director Harry Elsinga has some opinions about that. The Prince Edward Island breeder wants to see Atlantic producers get together with government officials to brainstorm solutions to improve the industry (page 33).
    One of the region’s success stories, the Northumberland Lamb Co-operative, celebrated its 35th anniversary in September (page 34). You’re invited to join the gathering of the co-op’s past and present directors, shippers, staff, and the others responsible for its accomplishments for a barbecue. 
    There will be plaudits for 2018. Cattlemen look forward to the Maritime Beef Council’s (MBC) conference in March and its “Determining Your Costs of Production” beef school in September.
    The MBC’s Cedric MacLeod took part in Healthy Forage Field Day at the Nappan Research Farm this summer. Check out the seeding, grazing, and fencing demonstrations (pages 28-29) he and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
forage researcher John Duynisveld presented.
    While you’re in Nappan, drop in and catch the Maternal Breed Sale (page 21).
    Make yourself comfortable. ABS is going to put you in the stands at the Classic Heritage Beef Show (page 30) in Windsor, Nova Scotia. You can see how Saskatchewan judge Riley Lefrentz placed 262 head of cattle.
    But don’t get up just yet. We’re also headed for the N.B. Beef Expo in Sussex, New Brunswick, where the Boyd Dixon Family from Clyde River, Prince Edward Island, reigned supreme (page 38).
    And we’re going to lean up against a fence at Balamore Farms in Great Village, Nova Scotia, to watch the Maritime Junior Limousin Show (page 36). The farm is hosting the national show in 2018, and that will be worth applauding.
    Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous new year!